<meta name="google-site-verification" content="cIysTRjRVzTnQjmVuZAwjuSqUe0TUFkavppN8dORD0Q" /> Breaking The Cycle: Holiday, Guilt, Shame and Crash Diet by Izzy Spears | The Urban Voice An Online Directory of Businesses Owned and Operated by African-Americans

Breaking The Cycle: Holiday, Guilt, Shame and Crash Diet

The holiday season is upon us once again, bringing with it the promise of warmth, love, and joy. Yet, for far too many of us, the holiday season also ushers in a season of anxiety, self-doubt, and the pressure to conform to the capitalist cycle of “holiday to you drop,” sprinkle on some shame, then purchase this “gym membership” or participate in the latest “diet craze.” Let’s break the cycle of post-holiday body shaming and enjoy our holiday in peace or without the capitalist undertones that drive sales and damage self-esteem at the very least.


As a devoted body positive advocate and soldier for self-love, I ask you to join me in seeing the capitalistic cycle for what it is, a harmful money grab that has resulted in an annual self-esteem damaging cycle. The holiday season is responsible for generating revenue for businesses large and small alike, but this time of year is also where soon to be failed New Year’s resolutions are conceived.


For most, the holiday season is filled with celebration, togetherness, and tradition. The holiday season should not be used as a catalyst to guilt, pressure, or shame individuals into participating in post-holiday diets, routines, or rituals. Health and wellness is a marathon not a sprint. The capitalist money grab hinged on shame and guilt, especially after the holidays, is damaging to society.


Fad diets are all too common and are harmful. They promise quick fixes and instant transformations, preying on our vulnerabilities and fears of not measuring up to society's beauty ideals. These diets may come disguised as detoxes, cleanses, or extreme exercise regimens, but their underlying message remains the same: your current body is not good enough. Let’s break the cycle this year! You are deserving of love, respect, and kindness, regardless of your appearance. Embracing this truth is the first step in dismantling the toxic culture of body shaming, guilt, and shame post-holiday season.


It's crucial to recognize that the pressure to conform to fad diets and unrealistic beauty standards during the holidays is not only harmful to our mental and physical health but also counterproductive. Have you noticed that advertisements automatically switch to gym memberships, weight loss solutions and diet schemes no sooner than the confetti hits the ground after midnight on New Year’s Day? This blatant and in your face diet culture leads to increased stress and anxiety, which can overshadow the joy of the season and put undue pressure on individuals. Instead of spending quality time with loved ones, we may find ourselves obsessing over calories, food restrictions, and exercise routines. This behavior is negative and harmful.


Moreover, fad diets rarely deliver on their promises. They might yield temporary results, but they are unsustainable and can lead to cycles of weight loss and regain, negatively impacting our overall well-being. Instead of embarking on these damaging journeys, let us choose nourishment over deprivation, self-compassion over self-criticism, and self-acceptance over self-loathing. Coupled with moving your body and eating in moderation, this holiday season can be enjoyed, guilt free!


Food is an essential part of survival. During the holidays, food is a huge part of cultural traditions and celebrations. Participating in a celebration that includes eating food should not mean the “consequences” should later involve caloric restrictions and excessive exercising.


As someone who works hard to protect my peace and minimize harmful narratives within my circle, I encourage you to practice self-love and self-acceptance this holiday season. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, rather than those who perpetuate harmful beauty standards and ideals. Seek out body positive communities who celebrate diversity and promote a healthy relationship with our bodies and with food. Remember that our bodies are incredible vessels that allow us to experience the world. They deserve love, care, and respect. Instead of criticizing them, let's appreciate all the amazing things they do for us every day.


Lastly, I urge you to break the toxic cycle of holiday, guilt, shame, and crash diet! Embrace the joy of the holiday, prioritize self-love, self-acceptance, and the genuine connections that make this time of year so special. Let's celebrate life, our bodies as they are and empower ourselves to live fully, authentically, and unapologetically. This holiday season let's choose love over self-criticism and joy over deprivation, for our well-being and our collective happiness.



ABOUT THE AUTHORIzzy Spears is a dynamic body positive advocate, published author, entrepreneur and content creator. She spends all her free time fighting for self-love and self-acceptance, inspiring individuals worldwide to embrace their unique beauty. When she's not busy reshaping societal beauty norms, you can find Izzy enjoying a cup of coffee, rocking her afro and confidently rocking all-black attire with a pop of vibrant red lipstick.

